
FunAsia bringing the community together. Enjoy 104.9FM and 1110AM Radios, Movie Theaters, Banquet Halls, DesiPages Magazine, Events and more...

Our Contribution
  • Flyer Designing
  • UI/ UX
Socio Gathering!

We have been engaged with FunAisa with the purpose to gather communities during the festive season for entertainment, shopping and more. We have come up with promotional flyer to attract the communities for the event. To Design the creative flyer, we have used Photoshop, illustrator, graphics Our Flyer attracted more than 1000 visitors to the event and turn out to be a successful one.

Launch Website
  • ClientFunAisa
  • LocationUnited States
  • IndustryEntertainment
  • ServicesConcept, Flyer Design, UI/UX